Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Bali

Institute of Technology and Health Bali

Agenda ITEKES Bali Visit to Saint Louis College, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023

ITEKES Bali Visit to Saint Louis College, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023
ITEKES Bali Visit to Saint Louis College, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023

ITEKES Bali team led by the President of ITEKES Bali Foundation and the Rector of ITEKES Bali visited ITEKES Bali partner university - Saint Louis College (SLC), Bangkok, Thailand on Thursday, March 9, 2023. This visit was conducted to evaluate the international partnership between ITEKES Bali and SLC which has lasted more than a decade, from 2012 to 2023. During this period, ITEKES Bali and SLC have conducted many collaborative programs, particularly in the academic field, such as student and lecturer exchanges, joint research and publications, visiting scholars and international conferences. Both institutions agree to continue the partnership and increase the cooperative programs so that they can continue to provide benefits for the development of both institutions, lecturers and students.


Agenda ITEKES Bali Visit to Saint Louis College, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023
Date Kamis, 09 Maret 2023
Time 00:00:09
Place Saint Louis College (SLC), Bangkok, Thailand