Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Bali

Institute of Technology and Health Bali

The Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) between ITEKES Bali and National Narcotics Board of Bali Province

The Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) between ITEKES Bali and National Narcotics Board of Bali Province

On Monday, 8 July 2024, ITEKES Bali and National Narcotics Board of Bali Province signed a MOU on Prevention and Eradication of Drugs Abuse and Ambassador of AMUBA (Young People Against Drugs) of Bali Province. Through this cooperation, education about drugs abuse is expected to be taught in educational institutions, particularly in ITEKES Bali to realise the goal of preventing and eradicating drug abuse and trafficking in Indonesia.