Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Bali

Institute of Technology and Health Bali

ITEKES Bali Celebrates its 28th Anniversary and Holds the 52nd Graduation Ceremony

ITEKES Bali Celebrates its 28th Anniversary and Holds the 52nd Graduation Ceremony

The Institute of Technology and Health Bali celebrated its 28th Anniversary and held the 52nd graduation ceremony on March 14, 2023. 103 graduates attended the ceremony and conferral of degree procession. The graduates were from several majors: Bachelor of Midwifery (Continuing Program) Bachelor of Nursing (Continuing Program), Diploma 4 of Nursing Anesthesiology, Diploma 3 of Midwifery, Diploma 3 of Nursing and Ners (Nurse) Profession Program. In addition to the graduation and conferral of degree, Oath-Taking Ceremony was also conducted for graduates of Diploma 4 of Nursing Anesthesiology and Diploma 3 of Midwifery.