Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Bali

Institute of Technology and Health Bali

The Seminar on “Food Entrepreneurship, Golden Opportunities in the Future”.

The Seminar on “Food Entrepreneurship, Golden Opportunities in the Future”.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024, the Food Technology Undergraduate Program of ITEKES Bali held a seminar entitled Food Entrepreneurship, Golden Opportunities in the Future, with a guest speaker Ajik Krisna from the Krisha Holding Company. The seminar was attended by the entire ITEKES Bali academic community, both lecturers and students. The seminar was held as one of the activities to celebrate the 29th Anniversary of ITEKES Bali. It is hoped that this seminar can increase the knowledge of students about entrepreneurship and motivate them to become creative, innovative, and independent entrepreneurs.